Tag: строительная отрасль

Шляхи підвищення ефективності збутової діяльності підприємства

Author: and

Bibliographic description of the article for the citation:

and . Шляхи підвищення ефективності збутової діяльності підприємства//Science online: International Scientific e-zine - 2019. - №6. - https://nauka-online.com/en/publications/economy/2019/6/shlyahi-pidvishhennya-efektivnosti-zbutovoyi-diyalnosti-pidpriyemstva/

Annotation: This article is devoted to the methodology of increasing the efficiency of sales activities of the enterprise, studying the specifics of its organization using various methods, methods and approaches to its formalization. The article deals with the theoretical and conceptual principles of management of marketing activities, a structural analysis of sales process models. In conditions of increasing competition, and especially of its non-price factors, manufacturers have to solve multidisciplinary tasks. It is not enough to provide the high quality of the product, set an attractive price and make it available to the target market. It is important to accompany the sale with original, informative, and attractive appeals that would convince buyers that these products are fully in line with their needs.


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