Tag: портфельна теорія

Методи оптимізації портфеля фінансових інвестицій


Bibliographic description of the article for the citation:

. Методи оптимізації портфеля фінансових інвестицій//Science online: International Scientific e-zine - 2018. - №5. - https://nauka-online.com/en/publications/economy/2018/5/metodi-optimizatsiyi-portfelya-finansovih-investitsij/

Annotation: In the article the author analyzes the financial investments and their forms; the definition of a portfolio of the financial investments is given. The evolution of the portfolio theory is considered and the main approaches to the formation of an investment portfolio are presented. The author's vision of the approach to the optimization of the portfolio of the financial investments of the enterprise is suggested.


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