Tag: муниципалитет Японии

System of Japan’s local self-government bodies


Bibliographic description of the article for the citation:

. System of Japan’s local self-government bodies//Science online: International Scientific e-zine - 2019. - №6. - https://nauka-online.com/en/publications/jurisprudence/2019/6/sistema-organov-mestnogo-samoupravleniya-yaponii/

Annotation: On this day Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world. Transforming the difficult path of internal reformation and passing through the radical change of governance institutions, this country has now become a symbol of progress in many areas, ranging from leading technologies and economic power, to the construction of a real democratic society that simultaneously makes Japanese megalopolises the safest in the world. Appropriate changes including local self-government. The article is devoted to the analysis of municipal legislation and the organization of local self-government in Japan. One of the main tasks is to learn the basics of power distribution, functions and powers at local level in order to better understanding the Japanese model of governance, to find out its positive aspects and peculiarities, as well as to seize the experience of the country in building a more effective system of local self-government in Ukraine. The analysis of the legal acts of Japan that govern the above question provides comprehensive answers to questions about the formation, organization and functioning of the local authorities system, the organization of the system of checks and balances at the given level and their legislative consolidation. In addition, the article gives an assessment of the degree of centralization of power and the peculiarities of the delegation of powers and functions from central bodies of executive power and local government to local self-government, and the level of autonomy of these bodies in solving local issues. There is analysis of the work of scientists who were involved in the study of the specifics of the system and the principles of the organization of local government bodies of foreign countries, in particular the local self-government bodies of Japan, and their development and proposals for making certain improvements to the legislation of Ukraine in order to improve the work of these bodies was carried out.


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